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Offer us a retail space

Every year more and more residents of new cities, towns and villages become customers at our chain of stores. In those locations where Aurora is already represented, the number of stores increases occasionally as well.

So if you would like to find a responsible leaseholder, look no further.

What premises are we looking for?
Premises in a settlement with a population of at least 5,000.
A high traffic location, e.g. down-town, entrance to the market, public transport stop.
First, second or ground floor.
Room area of 130 to 180 sq.m.
Permitted electrical load of 10-20 kW.

Why is it profitable to cooperate with us?
Our network is continuously expanding.
We pay rent on time.
We comply will all contractual clauses responsibly.
We keep the premises in good condition.

Do you have an offer?
Contact us in a way convenient for you and offer us a retail space for rent. 
Call us: +38 (067) 5300086 or +38 (099) 1314050.
Send us your offer via e-mail: [email protected]
Leave an application on our website.

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Offer us your products

Since day one, we made a lasting impression on our customers with our wide range of goods and low prices. Accordingly, making the desired things closer and more accessible to people has always been and remains our goal. And to achieve it, we are constantly working to update, expand and increase our range of products. Therefore, we are always happy for new business opportunities and proposals for mutually beneficial cooperation.

Aurora is another place where your product can find its buyer.
And because we can our keep prices low due to minimum mark-ups and huge amounts of sales, our network will be a strong sales channel for you.

How do we select a product for sale?
The product fits the concept of a brand, i.e. it has a low price.
There is a demand for the product and people are happy to buy it.

How to submit an offer?
It is simple: fill out the form on the website. Our manager will contact you in no time.
In case of complaints or suggestions, contact the Supplier Management Coordinator Vladyslav Krainyk
tel.: +38 (097) 60 28 596, E-mail: [email protected]

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Descoperă noile oportunități de colaborare! Oferă serviciile tale!

La Aurora, căutăm întotdeauna să lucrăm alături de profesioniști. Iți propunem să ne cunoaștem dacă ești specialist în:

  • Organizarea de evenimente de deschidere magazine
  • Decorarea cu baloane pentru evenimente speciale
  • Oferirea serviciilor profesionale de reparații și amenajarea spațiilor sau instalații electrice
  • Instalarea și întreținerea aparatelor de aer condiționat.

Acestea sunt doar câteva exemple, dar suntem deschiși să explorăm orice domeniu în care ești specializat.

Pentru a afla mai multe despre serviciile pe care le oferi, te rugăm să completezi detaliile în formularul din spatele butonului "Ofertă de servicii".

Suntem nerăbdători să dezvoltăm un parteneriat de succes și să creăm împreună experiențe plăcute pentru clienții noștri.


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